Thursday, April 10, 2014


A few weeks ago me and Steph escaped the BIG city and spent the weekend in Beechworth. Did pretty little, mostly hung out in the caravan and drove around with Steph's Papa Peter. 

(oh and for some reason when I uploaded some of these images, blogspot auto corrects it and the colours go weird...?? Why?! If anyone has an answer can you email me.

Papa Peter. 

Papa Peter's friends. They make tables. 

There's a pretty strange lolly shop in Beechworth. They sell Golliwog dolls.... 

The tourist love the asylum in Beechworth, at night they have $30 Ghost tours.  

I brought my Mamiya 7 for the special occasion as well. 

On our way back home.

Dropped into Glen Rowan for a sneak Ned peak. 

This lady was squinting through the lens to check out what kind of camera I had. I ended up having a chat with her and took a proper portrait soon after......It didn't make the final cut though.