Friday, April 20, 2012

Snippets of Nepal

Here are some images of my travels to Nepal and back. I'm planning an exhibition hopefully by the end of this year,  there you'll be able to see the bigger picture of what I saw. 

Waiting for the plane from Bangkok to Kathmandu  

Nepalese praying flowers. 

Preparing cremation. Pashupatinath. 

Sleeping in the day and protecting at night. 



Nepalese film shoot. 

Mountain rocks covered with dust by busy roads.  

Drying clothes

Bhaktapur tourists.  

Buffalo Sacrifice (This is just the tip of the iceberg).

School sports week. 


Annapurna treck. 

held up to the sun, these rocks sparkle. 

I stayed with my friend Ravi's family. This is a shot from their balcony roof. 

There was nothing as fun as taking photo's while riding in the backseat of a motorbike in Kathmandu's peak hour traffic.

Playing cricket.

1st of January I put to death my first chicken. 

Shiva, Ravi's father.

Waiting for the plane from Kathmandu to Bangkok.  

Seeing this after my travels was a little strange.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pentax 6x7, possible new camera.

These are just some test exposures of a camera I maybe purchasing (pentax 6x7 medium format). Because it doesn't have a light meter I use my A-1 for exposure, slightly difficult but still I think I ended up with alright results

This is some more of Pola's house, the lady that my grandmother is taking care of. Just the light and everything about this house I've really fell in love with. you'll probably see many more to come. there's also more shots of this place in 35mm in past posts.

Pola wasn't feeling very well that day.

Buba going to mum's hairdressing salon to get a blow wave.

Little portrait of me as a kiddy.

I went to a wedding on the 1st of April and the reception was at myers 6th floor, I found it slightly strange. This is what you saw just before you walked in.

 Abandoned house on moreland, there's so much more to this place thats even more amazing. 

Noodle box at sydney rd. He said "take a photo of the fire".

Tom and Ksen playing games in between getting the laundry done.