Monday, December 26, 2011

A little taste of Nepal

I haven't been able to develop my film for some time now due to amazing times in Nepal. On this post I've added a few drawings of simply people I've met and things I've seen.  Hope for you to enjoy and know that there's a whole lot of pretty photo's on the way.

The dogs here have been one of my biggest loves, a local man said the reason why they all sleep in the days is because they protect the people at night while there sleeping. 

Whilst driving my scooter through the mountains I found a bunch of elderly woman singing and dancing. This woman above waved to me as I stopped to come and join them for a dance...they fed me beautiful curry and rice.

Mountain face.

Me and a friend were playing karma sutra cards in a restaurant. 

You can find television even 3000 meters high. To bring TV up to that distance you have to carry it on your back for 2000 of those meters.

First time portrait.

Suffering a bit of altitude sickness things seemed a bit strange. 

3900 meters in the clouds.

Bikiran our friendly guide.